
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2017

Capturing the asmaa of the Beltagy

Sources familiar with the forensic medicine department confirmed that the DNA sample taken from Brotherhood leader Dr. Mohamed El-Beltagy, vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, is not identical to the survey taken from the body of the girl who was said to be her daughter Asma. The source, who declined to be named, told Al-Nahar that more confirmation is now being done through the central DNA laboratory to ascertain the results of the samples to write the final report on the subject. On the other hand, the Forensic Medicine Department completed preparing the final report on the death of 37 prisoners who were killed during an attempt to smuggle them during their deportation to Abu Zaabal prison and their death as a result of suffocation with tear gas. The final report prepared by forensic doctors confirmed that the death caused by suffocation with Alsace S gas, one of the types of tear gases they inhaled for periods during the security forces fired gas on them to dis...

Capture of Ayat Al-Orabi

Verses Orabi became the former presenter of the Egyptian TV overnight interview with the street because of the "Alhastej" all abusing the candidate of the Presidential Field Marshal Abdel Fattah Sisi, who has recently been circulated widely through social networking sites, where it was found later that "Orabi" is behind this "Alhastej" .. The matter did not stop at this point, the announcer is not the goal of defending democracy as it is called from time to time is an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to its membership in the "Muslim Union of America" ​​of the group, which is detailed in the "summary" in this report .. Secret history of "Orabi" indicates that she did not wear the hijab yo The affiliation of the group has claimed she says herself that she Liberal defends only but its actions and activities to promote lies about the army, Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi raised eyebrows and research in he...